Meaning alpha hydroxy acids
What does alpha hydroxy acids mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word alpha hydroxy acids. You can also add a definition of alpha hydroxy acids yourself


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alpha hydroxy acids

Fruit-derived acids used in creams and lotions to act as exfoliants.


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alpha hydroxy acids

(AHAs include glycolic, citric, malic, and lactic acids-found naturally in fruit such as sugar cane, citrus fruits, and sour milk). AHAs are used to help exfoliate and renew cells, even skin tone, and can be effective against wrinkles. Glycolic acid is thought to be the most effective exfoliant of all the alpha hydroxy acids. It penetrates the skin [..]
Source: (offline)


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alpha hydroxy acids

Used in cosmetics products that claim to reduce wrinkles or the signs of ageing and improve the overall look and feel of the skin. For an AHA to be useful, it has to penetrate the skin where it can ac [..]


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alpha hydroxy acids

AHAs include glycolic, citric, malic, and lactic acids-found naturally in fruit such as sugar cane, citrus fruits, and sour milk. AHAs are used to help exfoliate and renew cells, even skin tone, and can be effective against wrinkles. Glycolic acid is thought to be the most effective exfoliant of all the alpha hydroxy acids. It penetrates the skin v [..]
Source: (offline)


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alpha hydroxy acids

Alpha hydroxy acids are derived from foods, such as fruits and milk, and can improve the texture of skin by removing layers of dead cells and encouraging cell regeneration.

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